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Advanced Search
49 €
149 €
1499 €
Apply for your company on Joincert (1 year)
299 €


free Search
light version
  • restricted search
  • catalog of certified companies in PDF form
  • price
  • 1 year: 99 € / year
  • apply your company on Joincert (1 year): + 299 € / year
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full version
  • restricted search
  • catalog of certified companies in PDF form
  • search via material parameters
  • price
  • 2 weeks: 99 € / year
  • 1 month: 149 € / year
  • 1 year: 1499 € / year
  • apply your company on Joincert (1 year): + 299 € / year
  • to order

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you do not have a password? set a new password here.

If you are a manufacturer certification body?

then contact us directly:

*¹) Free registration with Joincert is necessary.

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